::Motor sport::
::Radio communication ::
::Adapter Intercom::
::Lite Com III/Basic::
::Ear protectors ::
::Ear protectors radios::


Peltor Tactical XP

High-damping ear protector dependent on level with separate stereofunction, adjustable volume balance between right and left capsule. The audioentrance makes possible the connection of radio in order to listen.

Peltor SportTac

Peltor ComTac

A highly developed stereo ear protector dependent on level with hinged head hanger from leather and audioentrances as a standard. The systems of external communication and function dependent on level function independently of each other what raises security and flexibility.

Peltor ProTac II

With the inserted function dependent on level whith strengthens weak surroundings sounds and damp strong. A simple operation the keys are a little be attainable and are ordered logically. The inside of the capsules offers a lot of place for the ears..

::Price-list:: Download pamphlet